Monday, October 25, 2010


Democracy, it was a good run but the plutocrats have won. Nice try but you never really had a chance. Anonymous dollars and shadowy figures run the show. And it’s all thanks to the all-mighty dollar. When you have Supreme Court Justices attending secret “small business brainstorming sessions” and bailed out businesses tossing dollars at candidates, you begin to realize that healthcare, education, war and the economy mean nothing – it’s all about maximizing profits.

But, if this November election should prove anything, it is that we need campaign finance laws. And, if the Republicans regain control of the Senate, it proves that retention of very recent history is lacking in this country and advertising does work (talking to you George Will and David Brooks). Lastly, it proves that cash rules everything. Period.

We have Conservative columnists who think this is a game, mocking the idea of Conservatives using anonymous corporate dollars to fund elections to regain the government from the Marxist Usurper (cough-Citizen’s United-cough). Funny, because this is a game with certain people switching the deck while those without a seat at the high-roller’s table will lose everything: their job, their home, their 401K, their lives. All so some rich guy can get lenient environmental regulations so he can get even richer. Oh, right, sorry, FREEDOM.

And what’s the best way to shift attention off the Right’s dirty tricks? Create a controversy and ignore the real problem.

Why? C.R.E.A.T. That’s why.

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